What's new

13 April 2005
The diagnostic descriptions and illustrations of five next species of arbuscular fungi were included, i. e., Glomus aurantium, Gl. diaphanum, Gl. xanthium, Pacispora franciscana, and Pac. scintillans. Three of them, Gl. aurantium, Gl. xanthium, and Pac. franciscana were recently described.
The development of spores and characters of mycorrhizae of fungi of the genera Diversispora and Pacispora were presented.
Glomus spurcum C.M. Pfeiff., C. Walker & Bloss emend. L.J. Kenn., J.C. Stutz & J.B. Morton has been renamed Diversispora spurca (C.M. Pfeiff., C. Walker & Bloss) C. Walker & Schuessler, as Walker and Schüßler (2004) proposed.
Changes in the page "Classification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi" were incorporated according to the proposals of Walker et al. (2004) and Walker and Schüßler (2004). Additionally, the characters of members of the newly erected family Pacisporaceae C. Walker, Błaszk., Schuessler & Schwarzott were characterized.
The authors of fungal names listed in both the page "Names and authorities of fungi in the phylum Glomeromycota" and those characterizing the fungal species included in this website were corrected and are as those presented at the URL website entitles Authors of Fungal Names.
About 50% of microphotographs from among those showed in the first version of this website were improved.
The history of erection, personnel, as well as the didactic and scientific activities of the Department of Plant Pathology, University of Agriculture in Szczecin were presented.
The history and the present day of the city Szczecin were showed.
Links to 16 websites dealing with fungi were incorporated into the page "Links".
12 September 2006
The diagnostic descriptions and illustrations of two new recently described species of arbuscular fungi were included, i. e., Glomus drummondii and Gl. walkeri . Additionally, Gl. badium and Gigaspora margarita are shown.
5 October 2006
The diagnostic descriptions and illustrations of three species of arbuscular fungi were included, i. e., Glomus aureum, Gl. caesaris and Gl. etunicatum.
9 October 2006
The diagnostic description, illustrations, and data on the distribution of Glomus spinuliferum were added.
20 February 2007
The diagnostic descriptions and illustrations (319 pictures), as well as data on the distribution of 12 next species were incorporated. These species are Acaulospora splendida, Ambispora gerdemannii, Glomus callosum, Gl. eburneum, Gl. glomerulatum, Gl. intraradices, Gl. nanolumen, Gl. pubescens, Gl. segmentatum, Pacispora boliviana, P. robiginia, and Scutellospora fulgida.
New data on the morphological and molecular properties of Intraspora schenckii and Paraglomus laccatum, species recently excluded from the genera Entrophospora and Glomus, respectively, were presented.
The pages characterizing the development of spores and properties of mycorrhizae of the genera Ambispora, Intraspora and Kuklospora were newly included.
The descriptions and illustrations defining Archaeospora trappei, Entrophospora baltica, E. infrequens, Gl. diaphanum, Gl. minutum, and Gl. versiforme were updated.


Renker C., Błaszkowski J., Buscot F. Paraglomus laccatum comb. nov. - a new member of Paraglomeraceae (Glomeromycota). Nova Hedwigia (in press).

Sieverding E., Oehl F. 2006. Revision of Entrophospora and description of Kuklospora and Intraspora, two new genera in the arbuscular mycorrhizal Glomeromycetes. J. Appl. Bot. Food Qual. 80, 69-81.

Spain J. L., Sieverding E., Oehl F. 2006. Appendicispora: a new genus in the arbuscular mycorrhiza-forming Glomeromycetes, with a discussion of the genus Archaeospora. Mycotaxon 97, 163-182.

Walker C. 2008. Ambispora and Ambisporaceae resurrected. Mycol. Res. 112, 297-298.

Walker C., Błaszkowski J., Schwazott D., Schüssler A. 2004. Gerdemannia gen. nov., a genus separated from Glomus, and Gerdemanniaceae fam. nov., a new family in the Diversisporales based on the former Glomus scintillans. Mycol. Res. 108(6), 707-718.

Walker C., Schüssler A. 2004. Nomenclatural clarifications and new taxa in the Glomeromycota. Mycol. Res. 108, 979-982.